What Do You Mean, “Spiritual”?

We hear the term often – but what does it mean? Is it religious, or not? There are many, many, many definitions of Spirituality. For instance:

“The quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.”  – Current Oxford Dictionary.

“Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature.” – The Royal College of Psychiatrists

At one point in the history of our continent it would definitely have been connected to religious beliefs. And often those religious beliefs were strong, and unbending. Spiritual and Religious beliefs are not mutually exclusive, however, a Spiritual practice is generally more of an individual practice, a search within.

When we hear the term Spiritual today it most often used by someone who is NOT religious, but believes in a divine Source, a greater power, God, or Universal Spirit. Something bigger than we are, that is greater than us, yet part of us and that we are part of.

Spirituality combined with Hypnotherapy is an exciting and fascinating experience. I have witnessed some absolutely incredible shifts and changes made by my clients through the use of Spiritual Hypnotherapy.

Coastal Academy offers a course in Spiritual Hypnotherapy for existing Clinical Hypnotherapists and is a wonderful addition to your practice. Click here for more information: Spiritual Hypnotherapy Program